Welcome to the innovative Collaborative Knowledge Networks (iCKN) Home Page!
Collaborative Knowledge Networks (CKN) are emergent networks of individuals in an organization who:
- Think alike
Share a passion for extending and improving products
- Do not feel bound by the current paradigm.
These networks are the source of profound innovation within organizations and disciplines. They exist in all forward-thinking companies; the trick is to know who/where they are, how to support them, and how to best utilize CKNs as a resource.
Examples of ideas that are the results of CKNs include:
- The World-Wide Web
- Hybrid Cars
- The Gnu/Linux Operating system
This site is dedicated to informing others about how to go about these tasks; in particular:
• Basic principles and foundations of CKNs
• Historic, ethical, and behavioral background of CKNs
• Technical enablers and core technologies for CKNs
• How to nurture and foster CKNs in your organization
It is our hope that this site will serve as the focal point of a CKN about CKNs - we hope you will join our communites if you have any interest in CKNs!